The Millennial Left as a Moment in Internet History

There have been many interesting books and articles recently about the demise of the millennial left. Here are just a few. I like this material–I think we could do with some more reflection about everything that’s gone wrong over the past ten years. I do, however, think there’s something that has been under-emphasized in these stories. This something is the internet. The millennial left existed at a distinctive moment in internet history. When that moment ended, the millennial left ended with it.

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Two New Essays for Isonomia

I have two new essay out for Isonomia. The first, “On Whether Various Economic Schemes Can Improve Citizens’ Political Capabilities,” reflects on the different strategies liberal theorists employ to ensure democratic citizens have the capabilities necessary to participate effectively. I argue that all these strategies fall short, because there is a reluctance on the part of liberal theorists to grapple with the cost of creating citizens who really can perform the necessary political work. It was a ton of fun to write, and you can read it here:

The second, “Federations and Foreign Policy: The Quest for Koinon,” explores why political federations like the United States stop expanding. Instead of continuing to incorporate more states as co-members, these federations begin building military bases in foreign states and compelling those states to become clients. I argue that federations have historically been based rather heavily around security and this has made it difficult to use them to reform the global economic system. While elites are willing to pay the cost of integrating territory when this is necessary for their own survival, they become more resistant when this integration is no longer strictly necessary. You can read it here:

Four Essays on the Revolutionary Subject

I’ve got a new pamphlet coming out with Everyday Analysis called Four Essays on the Revolutionary Subject. It’s available for pre-order for £6 (roughly $7), and will ship internationally. If you order it, you get both an ebook and a print copy. The essays are meditations on this impasse we are in, where there is widespread, deep dissatisfaction with liberal democratic political institutions but an absence of inspiring alternatives. This produces many people who criticize our politics and desire change, but few who are genuinely revolutionary. There is fierce criticism, but a lack of meaningful political action, and this leaves us in a poor position to make effective political demands. I explore implications for institutions, like the universities and the army. I also think about citizenship. As our citizens become less able to meaningfully act, it becomes easier to blame them for the state of the country. They cannot deliver change, much less defend themselves against these charges. The pamphlet is available here:

I’ve done a number of podcasts in connection with the release of my first book, The Chronic Crisis of American Democracy: The Way is Shut. I don’t generally bother my blog followers about podcasts, because readers and listeners are only sometimes the same people. But, seeing as I’m announcing new written work, I include a list of recent appearances below. Most of these episodes will be available wherever you listen to podcasts (iTunes, Spotify, Player FM, etc.):


Popular Show:

Diet Soap:

New Books Network:

Platypus Says:

The Lack:

Current Affairs:

Bad Faith:


Philosophy of Art and Science:

Cyber Dandy:

Reviving Virtue:

Dain Fitzgerald: &

Varn Vlog:

Theory Underground: